This well-structured, academic and career oriented course is especially designed to provide an entry-level qualification for those seeking a career platform in the field of Television and Radio Programme Presenting. All the sessions of this course are conducted by well-experienced media personalities and the practical lessons are held at Stein Studios, News1st and at the MTV / MBC Depanama Broadcasting Station.
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An Introduction to Electronic Media - Role of a TV / Radio Presenter
rEmjdyskS $ .=jka úÿ,s udOHfõÈfhl=f.a ld¾hNdrh
Presenting on Television (Live, Recorded Programmes & News)
rEmjdyskS ksfõokh
Presenting on Radio (Live, Recorded Programmes & News)
.=jka úÿ,s ksfõokh
Dubbing and Voicing
y~ leúï yd y~ uqiqlsßï
* With Practical English Lessons
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